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OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 03



根据wiki,landuse=religious用于标注整座庙宇的占地,而amenity=place_of_worship用于标注实际进行礼拜所用的建筑、广场等。然而,Carto图层只会对后者渲染名称和宗教种类图标。在西方,教堂、清真寺等往往是一栋大建筑,于是只要给他加上amenity=place_of_worship,就能顺利把名称和一个图标显示在地图上了。然而,东亚的宗教场所大多是多栋殿宇、房屋组成的院落,各有其名,其中并没有一个直接冠以该宗教场所名称的主体建筑。 这就导致,按照wiki要求标注的话,Carto图层上根本看不到寺院的名称,而如果画了建筑的话,会看到密密麻麻的宗教图标(每栋殿堂一个),没画的话则连宗教图标都没有。


该标签用于标注游乐设施,其中attract a day ago


根据wiki,landuse=religious用于标注整座庙宇的占地,而amenity=place_of_worship用于标注实际进行礼拜所用的建筑、广场等。然而,Carto图层只会对后者渲染名称和宗教种类图标。在西方,教堂、清真寺等往往是一栋大建筑,于是只要给他加上amenity=place_of_worship,就能顺利把名称和一个图标显示在地图上了。然而,东亚的宗教场所大多是多栋殿宇、房屋组成的院落,各有其名,其中并没有一个直接冠以该宗教场所名称的主体建筑。 这就导致,按照wiki要求标注的话,Carto图层上根本看不到寺院的名称,而如果画了建筑的话,会看到密密麻麻的宗教图标(每栋殿堂一个),没画的话则连宗教图标都没有。


该标签用于标注游乐设施,其中attraction=animal用于标注动物园的展区。根据wiki,attraction=不是tourism=attraction的子项,不用加tourism=attraction,iD的预设也是单独的标签。 但在Carto图层中,单独的attraction=是不渲染的。这导致很多编辑者标注游乐设施时同时加了tourism=attraction。


我是在画农场时遇到的。据wiki,二者分别用来标记用于生产的和用于研究或学术目的的农场。有的农场有明确的围墙包围了田地和院落,只把名字写在landuse=farmyard区域不甚妥当。但把名称写在这两个标签上的话,在Carto图层是看不到这里有农场的。 此外,自然还有别的许多研究所也都不渲染出来。

a day ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 02

Redescobrindo Mapas Antigos e Suas Coordenadas

Hoje me dediquei a explorar mapas antigos, cada um repleto de histórias e segredos de eras passadas. Em especial, fiquei fascinado por um mapa da Era dos Descobrimentos, detalhando não só as terras conhecidas mas também as misteriosas e inexploradas. Foi uma jornada visual e intelectual através das coordenadas que moldaram a compreensão do mundo naquela época.

Um dos mapas, datado do séc 2 days ago

Hoje me dediquei a explorar mapas antigos, cada um repleto de histórias e segredos de eras passadas. Em especial, fiquei fascinado por um mapa da Era dos Descobrimentos, detalhando não só as terras conhecidas mas também as misteriosas e inexploradas. Foi uma jornada visual e intelectual através das coordenadas que moldaram a compreensão do mundo naquela época.

Um dos mapas, datado do século XVII, mostrava a Europa com suas cidades bem definidas, mas ao se aventurar para regiões mais distantes, as linhas tornavam-se conjecturas cheias de criaturas míticas. As coordenadas de Lisboa, por exemplo, estavam precisamente marcadas em 38.7223° N, 9.1393° O, uma janela para o ponto de partida de muitas das viagens marítimas históricas.

Esse mapa me levou a refletir sobre como os cartógrafos daquela época utilizavam as coordenadas disponíveis para mapear o conhecido e o desconhecido. Eles serviam não apenas como guias geográficos, mas também como narrativas visuais dos limites do mundo explorado. Assim, cada linha e cada número no mapa contam mais do que uma localização; eles narram as ambições, os medos e as maravilhas de uma era de descobertas. A cada coordenada revelada, percebi o quanto ainda há para descobrir sobre nosso passado e como ele moldou o presente.

2 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 02

Oficina sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

Oficina para turma do Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, da Universidad Autónoma de México - CIGA-UNAM

A convite, a Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto ( realizou oficina sobre criação de web maps com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap (OSM) para uma turma do Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, da Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, campus de Morelia, como part 3 days ago

Oficina para turma do Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, da Universidad Autónoma de México - CIGA-UNAM

A convite, a Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto ( realizou oficina sobre criação de web maps com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap (OSM) para uma turma do Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, da Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, campus de Morelia, como parte do curso PACES.

A oficina abrangeu uma parte conceitual e outra, prática. O conteúdo abrangeu uma apresentação dos conceitos relacionados a web mapping; características, modelo de dados, editores e APPs do OSM; e características, vantagens e limitações do uMap, como solução para web mapping.

Na parte prática, foi mostrado como criar um web map, sendo necessário apenas criar uma conta de usuário no OSM. Como exemplo, foi demonstrada a importação de dados de um arquivo .csv como uma camada estática no uMap e a criação de uma camada dinâmica, que recupera dados automaticamente, por meio de uma instrução em Overpass QL. Além de comentários sobre permissões de edição e visualização do web map e peculiaridades relativas à aparência dos objetos no produto final.

A instrução em Overpass QL disponibilizada para recuperação automática de escolas que já estão mapeadas no OSM e visualização com camada dinâmica no uMap pode ser adaptada para outros objetos geoespaciais, como hospitais ou supermercados, por exemplo.[out:json][timeout:25];
(node["amenity"="school"]({south},{west},{north},{east}););out body;>;out center skel qt;® é uma marca registrada.

A gravação da sessão pode ser encontrada em:

Parte 1 - conceitual - canal do® no YouTube

Parte 2 - prática - canal do® no YouTube

3 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 01

First Key

Highway, Building, Barrier, Tower, Area, Landuse, and more.

4 days ago

Highway, Building, Barrier, Tower, Area, Landuse, and more.

4 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 30

Distribution of primary populated place values

There is a long discussion happening in the United States section of the community forum regarding where to draw the line between the “main” populated place node values, and specifically the place=* values of city and town in New England. I thought it would be useful to do a bit of analysis to see how these values are distributed across the database when co 4 days ago

There is a long discussion happening in the United States section of the community forum regarding where to draw the line between the “main” populated place node values, and specifically the place=* values of city and town in New England. I thought it would be useful to do a bit of analysis to see how these values are distributed across the database when compared to population. Through this analysis, I include all tags which have place values of city, town, village, hamlet, and isolated_dwelling. I also only include nodes that have a population tag.

My overpass query for each category looks like this:


One of the challenges of analyzing this key is that because it represents order-of-magnitude differences, its distribution is log-normal. In other words, it forms a bell curve provided that the X-axis is drawn logarithmically.

To look at this data logarithmically, I grouped the place nodes logarithmically, in steps of 1, 2, and 5 per 10x jump. When viewing the distribution of place=town, the log-normal shape comes out quite clearly. The number on the X axis represents the upper limit of each bin.

Now that we’ve assessed that the data is distributed log-normally, the next question we want to be able to as is, for a populated place with a certain population, how are the place values distributed? For this, we look across each logarithmic “bin” and determine the percentage of each place value in use:

We can assess, for example, that for places with a population between 500 and 1,000 (the bin labeled “1,000”), it’s tagged place=village over 90% of the time. The village blip at 10,000,000 is the result of a data error - a single remote place node being erroneously tagged with a high population in a bin of size n=19. Needless to say, on the far right of this graph, there are fewer and fewer nodes in each bin.

Lastly, we would like to know the mean and standard devation of each place category. However, since this is log normal, we need to compute the mean and standard deviation in the logarithmic domain, and then convert it back. The mean, and plus or minus two standard deviations are computed in the table below:

place= -2σ -1σ μ +1σ +2σ city 8,341 33,118 131,496 522,118 2,073,119 town 782 2,814 10,124 36,422 131,039 village 13 71 393 2,173 12,011 hamlet 2 8 36 165 763 isolated_dwelling 0 2 6 22 84

Thus, this means that 68% of place=town nodes – one standard deviation – that are tagged with a population tag, have a population= value between 2,814 and 36,422. Taking this out to two standard deviations, 95% of all place=city nodes have a population= tag value between 8,341 and 2,073,119.

Clearly, there is considerable overlap between each category, no doubt because of differences in tagging conventions between places, differences in accounting for population, and differences in place tagging in areas of different population density.

4 days ago

ШТОСМ - Apr 30

Не вина Niantic

Вчера внезапно написал в mastodon (куда я окончательно переехал из твитера) про ситуацию с Overture и покемонами.

Для контекста, неделю назад Niantic (авторы Pokémon GO) объявили о новых покемонах, которые появляются только на пляжах. Игроки тут же начали рисовать ложные пляжи на OpenStreetMap. Так же, как семь лет назад они рисовали парки. Разумеется, это нагружает лишней работой кар 4 days ago

Вчера внезапно написал в mastodon (куда я окончательно переехал из твитера) про ситуацию с Overture и покемонами.

Для контекста, неделю назад Niantic (авторы Pokémon GO) объявили о новых покемонах, которые появляются только на пляжах. Игроки тут же начали рисовать ложные пляжи на OpenStreetMap. Так же, как семь лет назад они рисовали парки. Разумеется, это нагружает лишней работой картографов и растит досаду от Niantic и раздражение от покемоноводов.

Саймон Пул обратил внимание, что за эти семь лет компания Niantic не только не ответила на запросы OSMF или вообще хоть как-то связалась с сообществом. Вместо этого она вступила в фонд Overture Maps! Пользуется картой от добровольцев, но платит корпорациям, как так получилось?

Сюда наслаивается непонимание действий Linux Foundation, который вместо поддержки OSM взял под крыло Overture Maps и этим разделил «вину». Почему корпорациям везёт, а нам — нет?

Я уже писал, почему Overture — это хорошо, и почему OSMF пока нет смысла поддерживать. В треде mastodon примерно то же самое, потому что, как нас учил преподаватель по физике, важные мысли нужно повторять трижды.

* * *

Бизнес и фонды хотят поддерживать OpenStreetMap. Они видят огромное сообщество и пользу от карты для миллиардов людей и десятков тысяч организаций. Крупные фонды создаются для поддержки именно таких проектов, как наш.

Но у нас уже есть фонд. OSM Foundation. Все ожидают, что фонд помогает проекту расти: поддерживает картографов, сообщество, инструменты редактирования и валидации. Те инструменты, которые сделали бы вандализм от покемоноводов легко обнаружимым и откатываемым.

Разумеется, OSMF не просил и не собирался становиться частью Linux Foundation. Зачем нам? Ну и фонды, кажется, редко говорят между собой, это не бизнес.

Есть и другая группа. Она подготавливает геоданные и продвигает их организациям. В невиданном до сих пор масштабе, с известными корпорациями. Вместо коммерческой структуры они хотели оформить открытый фонд — и Linux Foundation им помог.

Да и почему бы и нет? Overture Maps — это открытые данные. Компании-участники уже хорошо проявили себя на поле open source. Они вкладывают серьёзные деньги в продвижение открытых геоданных и конкурируют с Google, а не с нами. Со всех сторон отлично.

Чего Linux Foundation не знают — это что на сегодня нельзя сказать, что OSMF поддерживает картографов. OSMF занят серверами, потребителями данных и конференциями. Почитайте темы ежемесячных встреч Совета.

Раньше осмеров поддерживали организации. HOT, Cloudmade, Mapbox, Grab. Но на сегодня они все отошли в сторону (или развалились). Некому больше нас поддерживать, кроме нас самих.

А когда ресурсов мало, люди начинают думать в терминах не совместной работы и развития, а соперничества и зависти. Overture Maps отъедает наши ресурсы!

Можете подумать: это же нормально, что OSM работает на энтузиазме. Но если обернуться, такая ситуация исключительно редка. Может, лет пять за всю историю проекта.

Проблемы сейчас у всего IT-сектора. Всюду увольнения, сокращения проектов. OSM их не избежал — вот в такой неявной форме. Все страдают, и мы тоже сами по себе. Как мы говорим, OSM — это боль, и нынче чуть больнее обычного.

Так что такие четыре наблюдения:

  1. Высший уровень корпоративного членства в OSMF — 30 тысяч евро. Это смешная сумма, которая никому не поможет, поэтому ничего странного в том, что Niantic и другие не вписываются.
  2. Overture Maps эффективны, стоят своих денег, и они заставят мир перейти на OpenStreetMap. Нам повезло, что они появились.
  3. Поддерживать осмеров — это как поддерживать OpenSSL. Всем пофиг, кто и как делает карту, пока карта не ломается. Overture защищает пользователей от поломок.
  4. На сегодня вообще нет способов поддержать картографов. И это не проблема Niantic или Linux Foundation.

На прошлых выходных члены Совета OSMF собирались на очную встречу, чтобы обсудить стратегию развития OpenStreetMap. Я насыпал им немного идей, так что есть шанс, что через пару лет наш фонд повернётся лицом и к корпорациям, и к нам.

4 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 29

On Toponyms

One of the most rewarding aspects of being an OpenStreetMap contributor is the surprise of discovering where your contributions will be displayed next.

“I put that obscure, forgotten place back on the map, and now they’re everywhere!”

Researching toponyms is fun because I have to analyze the daily conversations among the locals and try to triangulate the place name ce 6 days ago

One of the most rewarding aspects of being an OpenStreetMap contributor is the surprise of discovering where your contributions will be displayed next.

“I put that obscure, forgotten place back on the map, and now they’re everywhere!”

Researching toponyms is fun because I have to analyze the daily conversations among the locals and try to triangulate the place name centroid based on this conversations. Bonus point if my centroid triangulation somehow coincides with ancient, forgotten, historical maps.

Traces of Sepatan, Djati, and Rawa Roko can still be found on old historical maps, circa 1900. Locals still use these toponyms right now, despite the government’s refusal to acknowledge their existence in the official addressing system.

It’s ‘forgotten’ in the sense that the local government over here has simplified the toponym system too much. Some toponyms have been upgraded to official administrative region names (and are now embedded in the official addressing system), while the rest have been left behind. People still use these ‘left-behind’ toponyms daily to refer to certain places, even though the government has somewhat ‘discouraged’ their use. (The colonial administration did it better, though. When I consulted the archives and library for old maps, all of these ‘left-behind’ toponyms were actually mapped quite well in the past.)

And this situation has led to mass confusion for people. Government-mandated addresses often don’t reflect reality. People still use all those ‘left-behind’ toponyms in their daily activities, yet they don’t appear on official, government-mandated maps and addressing systems.

That’s one of my personal missions right now: to put all those ‘left-behind’ toponyms back on the maps.

6 days ago

MapTiler - Apr 29

OpenStreetMap data prepared for advanced cartography

OpenMapTiles 3.15, the open-source vector tiles map-generation tool, is out now. It enhances the road network, improves water features, and better cartography. 6 days ago
OpenMapTiles 3.15, the open-source vector tiles map-generation tool, is out now. It enhances the road network, improves water features, and better cartography. 6 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 28

Mappare gli alberi

Su OpenStreetMap, un albero può essere rappresentato come un nodo natural=tree.

Leaf type 🌿

leaf_type é il tag maggiormente valorizzato nel database, questo perché é facilmente rilevabile (basta un’occhiata) ed é supportato con un’apposita quest da StreetComplete. I valori sono broadleaved (latifoglia) e needleleaved (aghifoglia). C’é chi sostiene che le palme non debbano essere taggate 6 days ago

Su OpenStreetMap, un albero può essere rappresentato come un nodo natural=tree.

Leaf type 🌿

leaf_type é il tag maggiormente valorizzato nel database, questo perché é facilmente rilevabile (basta un’occhiata) ed é supportato con un’apposita quest da StreetComplete. I valori sono broadleaved (latifoglia) e needleleaved (aghifoglia). C’é chi sostiene che le palme non debbano essere taggate come latifoglia ma con un valore tutto loro, =palm.

Leaf cycle 🍂

Questo tag descrive la caduta fogliare, cioè se un albero é caducifoglio o sempreverde. La maggior parte delle specie di alberi aghifoglia sono sempreverdi, ma non é sempre così, non inferite quindi questo valore automaticamente. Questo tag é facilmente compilabile se conoscete la specie, o più semplicemente se é autunno/inverno. In caso contrario potete provare a vedere se sono disponibili immagini satellitari o foto a livello stradale scattate in quei periodi.

Genus e species 🌳

Se non siete esperti, esistono degli strumenti che possono aiutarvi a riconoscere il genere/specie di una pianta, come Pl@ntNet e iNaturalist, entrambi esistono anche come app mobile. Su OpenStreetMap esistono moltissimi alberi con species (o species:wikidata o species:xx) che non hanno leaf_type o leaf_cycle. Questi valori sono ovviamente identici per ogni specie (e anche per molti generi) e quindi possono essere facilmente deducibili. Sulla wiki di OSM esistono due liste che contengono questi valori per genere e specie.

MapComplete ha un tema dedicato agli alberi che può essere utilizzato per inserire la specie mentre SCEE ha una quest dedicata (“What is the genus or species of this tree?”).

Alberi monumentali 🏛️

Il Ministero dell’agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste (Masaf) ha censito (con aggiornamenti annuali) gli alberi monumentali d’Italia. Potete mapparli aggiungendo loro il tag denotation=natural_monument e ref:masaf. Quest’ultimo é un codice univoco assegnato dal ministero.

Solitamente un albero monumentale dovrebbe avere tutti i seguenti tag valorizzati: ele,species,species:wikidata,height,circumference,leaf_type e leaf_cycle. Questa query Overpass mostra gli alberi monumentali mappati al momento ed evidenzia quelli il cui tagging potrebbe essere migliorato: link

All’estero anche la “Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska” (GDOŚ) in Polonia censisce gli alberi monumentali (potete trovarne molti con una query natural=tree+ref:inspire=*), in Serbia molti zapis (alberi sacri) sono mappati con ref:zapis mentre b-unicycling ha recentemente documentato il tag place_of_worship=sacred_tree per mappare i rag tree in Irlanda e Scozia.

Rendering 🎨

Gli alberi sono renderizzati su Carto come dei cerchietti verdi con un puntino marrone al loro centro, a prescindere dai loro attributi. ♦

Il renderer Straßenraumkarte Neukölln mostra gli alberi in modo differente in base a leaf_type, circumference e diameter_crown. La web map funziona però solo per l’omonimo quartiere di Berlino.

F4 Map e Streets GL (non più aggiornato) sono renderer 3D che utilizzano height per visualizzare l’altezza degli alberi. F4 Map distingue gli alberi per tipo di fogliame e supporta anche alcuni valori per differenziare le palme. Anche Esri ha una 3D map che utilizza dati OSM, e che dovrebbe supportare height e anche alcuni valori di genus.

Sul blog di IMAGICO.De esiste un interessante articolo che approfondisce possibili rendering per evidenziare i vari attributi.

QA 🛠️

Esistono più di 20.000 alberi mappati, ma gli strumenti di QA rimangono ancora pochi. Per questo motivo ho creato questo progetto MapRoulette: Tree Validation.

Ci sono challenge che confrontano i valori nel database con i valori più grandi mai registrati in natura, ad esempio alberi più alti di Hyperion. Altre sfide riguardano valori poco comuni o errati di denotation, species, genus, leaf_cycle o leaf_type.

La speranza é che in futuro sempre più tool proporranno check di vario genere sugli alberi. Per ora esiste almeno una issue aperta per il Name Suggestion Index e una per Osmose/JOSM.

Se volete discutere di alberi su OSM, potete utilizzare il tag “tree” sull’OpenStreetMap Community Forum.

Buon mapping!

6 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 28

Fawkner Memorial Park

I’ve finished (for a second time!) mapping all the paths in my local cemetery. The first time another mapped decided that concrete or gravel ways designed for walking on weren’t “paths” and deleted them all. He also seemed to have strong feelings about people cycling in cemeteries, which is odd as The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust actually endorse it as a use of their land. As my daught 7 days ago

I’ve finished (for a second time!) mapping all the paths in my local cemetery. The first time another mapped decided that concrete or gravel ways designed for walking on weren’t “paths” and deleted them all. He also seemed to have strong feelings about people cycling in cemeteries, which is odd as The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust actually endorse it as a use of their land. As my daughter is buried in the cemetery I feel some ownership of the place, and do love it and Merlynston creek that flows through it. I’m hoping no one vandalises my work again.

7 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 03

womp womp

Keep removing my edits.. go ahead. I can just waste my time and add them back. I have no problem doing that.

a day ago

Keep removing my edits.. go ahead. I can just waste my time and add them back. I have no problem doing that.

a day ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 03



a day ago


a day ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 02

Explorando Paisagens Digitais com o OpenStreetMap

Hoje comecei uma exploração virtual, guiada pelos mapas extensivos e movidos pela comunidade do OpenStreetMap. É fascinante como um esforço coletivo de todo o mundo pode se unir para mapear cada viela, rua e caminho com tanta granularidade detalhada. Esta jornada de código aberto me lembrou do entusiasmo pela descoberta, um sentimento que busco frequentemente, tanto online quanto offline.

< 2 days ago

Hoje comecei uma exploração virtual, guiada pelos mapas extensivos e movidos pela comunidade do OpenStreetMap. É fascinante como um esforço coletivo de todo o mundo pode se unir para mapear cada viela, rua e caminho com tanta granularidade detalhada. Esta jornada de código aberto me lembrou do entusiasmo pela descoberta, um sentimento que busco frequentemente, tanto online quanto offline.

Interessantemente, enquanto navegava por diferentes regiões no mapa, refleti sobre como a exploração não se limita a viagens físicas. Pode ser também sobre se aventurar em novas experiências ou revisitar territórios familiares com uma nova perspectiva. Isso é bastante semelhante a explorar o vasto mundo do entretenimento e jogos online, como os apresentados em Cassinos no Brasil. Assim como o OpenStreetMap revela novas vistas do mundo físico, Cassinos no Brasil desvenda uma paisagem vibrante e dinâmica de jogos e entretenimento, cada um oferecendo uma emoção e experiência única.

Seja mapeando uma nova trilha para caminhada ou experimentando um novo jogo, a alegria de descobrir novas facetas do mundo é infinitamente gratificante.

2 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - May 01

OpenStreetMap NextGen Development Diary #5.5

Welcome to my fifth (and a half) OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.
Tomorrow, I’m returning home and I’ll be able to resume work at full speed 🔥.

This is a short edition of the development diary.

🐙 This project is open-source and publicly available:


For the past 13 days I have been on a journey of finding a new plac 3 days ago

Welcome to my fifth (and a half) OpenStreetMap NextGen development diary.
Tomorrow, I’m returning home and I’ll be able to resume work at full speed 🔥.

This is a short edition of the development diary.

🐙 This project is open-source and publicly available:


For the past 13 days I have been on a journey of finding a new place to rent. Without my home office, I wasn’t able to become productive. The place I’m staying at doesn’t have a good office spot and being on my laptop doesn’t help. However, I am now very motivated to get back to work and push even harder!

May Will Be Big

At the end of May, OpenStreetMap-NG will include necessary functionality to run on a testing server, as well as to invite new contributors into the project. Starting with 6th of May, I won’t have any time-consuming plans for this month so I’ll do my best to wrap everything up. What’s exactly left has been described in Diary #5 Short-Term Development Plan. I have already started to prepare the All-in-One Contributor Guide which will also be finished up (it currently lacks backend/frontend-specific guides). This is going to be the first major milestone of the project!

Project Sponsors 🏅

I was happily surprised to see new faces even during my lower activity period. I will do everything to deliver the promised results. As always, thank you for supporting the project, monetarily, and with staring the project on GitHub!

Currently, the project is sponsored by 13 people!
Five private and four public donors on Liberapay, and four public on GitHub Sponsors.

  • ~1847430, gileri (Eric G.), LaoshuBaby (快乐的老鼠宝宝), RedAuburn (Harry Bond), ~1819511, AurimasF (Aurimas Fišeras), edpichler (Edu), starsep

This project is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. It’s an independent and community-sponsored initiative.

3 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 30


✔ Oficina sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

✔ Palestra sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

✔ Oficina sobre importação de pontos de interesse (POI) no OpenStreetMap

✔ Mini curso para a Defesa Civil (Brasil)

✔ Oficina sobre mapeamento de pontos de interesse (POI) com OpenStreetMap

✔ Special interview about Br 4 days ago

✔ Oficina sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

✔ Palestra sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

✔ Oficina sobre importação de pontos de interesse (POI) no OpenStreetMap

✔ Mini curso para a Defesa Civil (Brasil)

✔ Oficina sobre mapeamento de pontos de interesse (POI) com OpenStreetMap

✔ Special interview about Brazilian NSDI on the first anniversary of YouthMappers UFRJ

✔ Entrevista especial sobre a INDE no aniversário de 1 ano do YouthMappers UFRJ

✔ YouthMappers UFRJ receives the Women’s Participation Award!

✔ YouthMappers UFRJ recebe o Women’s Participation Award!

✔ Our participation in the Open Data Day YouthMappers at UFBA 2024

✔ Nossa participação no Open Data Day 2024 do YouthMappers at UFBA

✔ Web map do mapeamento colaborativo para redução de riscos e desastes (RRD)

✔ Web map of colaborative mapping for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

✔ Mapear POI no OpenStreetMap e exibir dinamicamente com uMap

✔ Mapping POI in OpenStreetMap and displaying dynamically with uMap

✔ Resultados do GIS DAY 2023!

✔ V Olimpíada Brasileira de Cartografia incluiu o OpenStreetMap como parte de sua etapa prática

✔ V Brazilian Cartographic Olympiad included OpenStreetMap as part of its practical stage

✔ Geocodificação com OpenStreetMap

✔ Mapeamento humanitário e OpenStreetMap

4 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 30

Palestra sobre criação de web map com uMap e dados do OpenStreetMap

Participação no Festival Latinoamericano de Instalação de Software Livre - FLISoL Rio 2024

A Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto, presidenta do® e do YouthMappers UFRJ, ministrou palestra na edição carioca do FLISoL 2024, sobre Web map com uMap e OpenStreetMap, abrangendo os assuntos:

  1. Conceitos básicos relacionados ao web mapping;

  2. Caracterí 5 days ago

Participação no Festival Latinoamericano de Instalação de Software Livre - FLISoL Rio 2024

A Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto, presidenta do® e do YouthMappers UFRJ, ministrou palestra na edição carioca do FLISoL 2024, sobre Web map com uMap e OpenStreetMap, abrangendo os assuntos:

  1. Conceitos básicos relacionados ao web mapping;

  2. Características, modelo de dados, licença, acervos de dados, conversores, editores, APPs do OpenStreetMap;

  3. Características do uMap, suas vantagens e limitações;

  4. Estudo de caso - Web Map da Infraestrutura para Redução de Riscos de Desastres (RRD) no Município de Maricá (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).

Todos os arquivos da apresentação podem ser encontrados na pasta virtual, que inclui a cópia do vídeo.

O vídeo da sessão pode ser encontrado também no canal do® no YouTube.

Um agradecimento especial ao público participante ao vivo e aos(às) espectadores remotos! Agradecemos ainda aos(às) organizadores(as) do FLISoL Rio 2024, que contribuem para a disseminação do Software Livre na nossa cidade!® é uma marca registrada. Para entrar em contato sobre esta ação:

5 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 29

OpenStreetMap: Ein Gewinn für Arztpraxen jeder Fachrichtung

OpenStreetMap (OSM) ist ein kollaboratives Projekt, das es Nutzern ermöglicht, Karten und geografische Daten frei zu bearbeiten und zu nutzen. Dieses „Wikipedia der Kartenwelt“ bietet detaillierte Informationen zu geografischen Standorten und lokalen Ressourcen, die von einer aktiven Gemeinschaft aus freiwilligen Kartografen ständig aktualisiert werden.

Verbesserte Sichtbarkeit für Arztprax 6 days ago

OpenStreetMap (OSM) ist ein kollaboratives Projekt, das es Nutzern ermöglicht, Karten und geografische Daten frei zu bearbeiten und zu nutzen. Dieses „Wikipedia der Kartenwelt“ bietet detaillierte Informationen zu geografischen Standorten und lokalen Ressourcen, die von einer aktiven Gemeinschaft aus freiwilligen Kartografen ständig aktualisiert werden.

Verbesserte Sichtbarkeit für Arztpraxen

Einer der größten Vorteile von OpenStreetMap ist die erhöhte Sichtbarkeit, die es Arztpraxen bietet. Durch die Registrierung ihrer Praxis auf OSM können Ärzte und Ärztinnen sicherstellen, dass sie von potenziellen Patienten leicht gefunden werden. Dies gilt für allgemeinmedizinische Hausärzte ebenso wie für spezialisierte Fachärzte wie Zahnärzte, Hautärzte, Gynäkologen, Urologen, Chirurgen, Psychiater, Neurologen, Augenärzte, Kinderärzte und sogar Tierärzte.

Routenplanung und Erreichbarkeit

Für Patienten ist es oft eine Herausforderung, den Weg zur nächsten Arztpraxis zu finden, besonders in unbekannten Gegenden. OpenStreetMap kann hier Abhilfe schaffen, indem es genaue und benutzerfreundliche Karten zur Verfügung stellt, die nicht nur die Lage der Praxis zeigen, sondern auch Informationen zu öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Parkmöglichkeiten und barrierefreiem Zugang bieten. Dies verbessert die Erreichbarkeit und Patientenfreundlichkeit enorm.

Lokale Vernetzung und Community-Support

OpenStreetMap fördert nicht nur die individuelle Sichtbarkeit, sondern unterstützt auch die Vernetzung innerhalb der lokalen medizinischen Community. Praxen können leichter Kooperationen und Überweisungsnetzwerke mit benachbarten Fachärzten aufbauen, was insbesondere für spezialisierte Disziplinen wie Neurologen oder Psychiater von Vorteil sein kann.

Katastrophenhilfe und Notfallsituationen

In Notfallsituationen oder bei Katastrophen kann OpenStreetMap lebensrettend sein. Durch präzise Karten können Rettungsdienste schneller den Ort einer Praxis erreichen. Ebenso können Praxen wie die eines Kinderarztes oder eines Tierarztes in Krisenzeiten wichtige Anlaufstellen in der Gemeinde sein.

Marketing und Patientenakquise

Die Präsenz auf OpenStreetMap kann auch als kostengünstige Marketingstrategie dienen. Indem Arztpraxen auf OSM erscheinen, können sie ihre Sichtbarkeit gegenüber neuen Patienten erhöhen, ohne in teure Werbekampagnen investieren zu müssen. Dies ist besonders für neu eröffnete Praxen oder solche in stark umkämpften Gebieten wie bei Zahnärzten oder Hautärzten von Bedeutung.


Die Nutzung von OpenStreetMap bietet für Arztpraxen eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen. Von der verbesserten Sichtbarkeit und Erreichbarkeit bis hin zur Unterstützung durch die lokale Gemeinschaft und effizienter Notfallhilfe – die Vorteile sind vielfältig. Ob Allgemeinmediziner oder Spezialist, die Integration in OpenStreetMap kann maßgeblich dazu beitragen, die Qualität der Patientenversorgung zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Praxis besser in der lokalen Gemeinschaft zu verankern.

6 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 28

Mapping trees

[Semi-automated translation of the Italian diary entry]

On OpenStreetMap, a tree can be represented as a natural=tree node.

Leaf type 🌿

leaf_type is the most common tree-related tag in the database, this is because it is easily verifiable and is supported with a quest by StreetComplete. The values are broadleaved and needleleaved. Some argue that palms should not be tagged as br 6 days ago

[Semi-automated translation of the Italian diary entry]

On OpenStreetMap, a tree can be represented as a natural=tree node.

Leaf type 🌿

leaf_type is the most common tree-related tag in the database, this is because it is easily verifiable and is supported with a quest by StreetComplete. The values are broadleaved and needleleaved. Some argue that palms should not be tagged as broadleaved but with a value of their own, =palm.

Leaf cycle 🍂

This tag describes whether a tree is deciduous or evergreen. Most needleleaved tree species are evergreen, but this is not always the case, so do not infer this value automatically. You can add this value easily if you know the species, or more simply if it is autumn/winter. If not, you can try to see if satellite or street-level imagery taken at those times are available.

Genus and species 🌳

If you are not an expert, there are tools that can help you recognise the genus/species of a plant, such as Pl@ntNet and iNaturalist, both of which also exist as mobile apps. On OpenStreetMap there are many trees with species (or species:wikidata or species:xx) that do not have leaf_type or leaf_cycle. These values are of course identical for each species (and also for many genus) and can therefore be easily deduced. There are two lists on the OSM wiki that contain these values for genus and species.

MapComplete has a dedicated tree theme that can be used to enter the species while SCEE has a dedicated quest (“What is the genus or species of this tree?”).

Monumental trees 🏛️

Monumental trees can be mapped adding denotation=natural_monument. In Italy they are recorded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (Masaf) with annual updates. You can map them by adding ref:masaf, which is a unique code assigned by the ministry.

In Poland they are recorded by the ‘Generalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska’ (GDOŚ) (you can find many of them with a query natural=tree+ref:inspire=*), in Serbia many zapis (sacred trees) are mapped with ref:zapis while b-unicycling has recently documented the place_of_worship=sacred_tree tag to map rag trees in Ireland and Scotland.

Rendering 🎨

Trees are rendered on Carto as green circles with a brown dot in their centre, regardless of their attributes. ♦

The Straßenraumkarte Neukölln renderer shows the trees differently according to leaf_type, circumference and diameter_crown. However, the web map only works for the Berlin district of the same name.

F4 Map and Streets GL (no longer updated) are 3D renderers that use the height tag. F4 Map distinguishes trees by foliage type and also supports some values to differentiate palm trees. Esri also has a 3D map that uses OSM data, and which should support height and also some genus values.

On the IMAGICO.De blog, there is an interesting article that goes into detail on possible renderings to highlight the various attributes.

QA 🛠️

There are more than 20,000 mapped trees, but QA tools are still few. That is why I created this MapRoulette project: Tree Validation.

There are challenges that compare values in the database with the largest values ever recorded in nature, for example trees taller than Hyperion. Other challenges concern uncommon or incorrect values of denotation, species, genus, leaf_cycle or leaf_type.

The hope is that in the future more and more tools will check on tree tagging. For now there is at least one open issue for Name Suggestion Index and one for Osmose/JOSM.

If you want to discuss trees on OSM, you can use the “tree” tag on the OpenStreetMap Community Forum.

Have fun mapping!

6 days ago

weeklyOSM - Apr 28

weeklyOSM 718

18/04/2024-24/04/2024 – The free alternative for photo-mapping territories [1] | © | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors Mapping Clay_C discussed the process of mapping pipelines using US government data, specifically from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. He outlined a detailed workflow for using JOSM to download and map pipelin 6 days ago

18/04/2024-24/04/2024 – The free alternative for photo-mapping territories [1] | © | map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

  • Clay_C discussed the process of mapping pipelines using US government data, specifically from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. He outlined a detailed workflow for using JOSM to download and map pipelines within specific US counties, thereby increasing the accessibility and utility of the data for OpenStreetMap projects.
  • Wikimedia Italia has published ♦►♦ a short tutorial on how to start contributing to OpenStreetMap.
  • The proposal for shop=tortilla is up for discussion.
  • The proposal to set the key open=* is in the voting phase until Tuesday 7 May.
Mapping campaigns
  • OpenStreetMap Belgium is hosting a mapathon on Wednesday 8 May, at 7 PM in the Muntpunt Café, Brussels, with an aim of reducing the number of open map notes in Belgium.
  • Branko Kokanovic shared a detailed guide to optimising the use of the Insta360 ONE RS 1-inch camera for capturing and uploading street-level imagery to Mapillary, including tips on camera handling, video splitting, and improving GPS tracking accuracy using software solutions such as Geoapify for map matching. The images can also be uploaded to Panoramax.
  • Now that the call for contributions has closed, the State of the Map France 2024 is opening ♦►♦ their platform for managing proposals for speakers and presentations using the ‘Pretalx’ software.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
  • The OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Communications Working Group has provided an update on how to request support for social media posts or other communications. They have provided a detailed template for submissions aimed at streamlining the process of promoting community stories and events on OSM’s official social media channels.
  • FOSSGIS e.V. is currently seeking ♦ locations for the 2026, 2027, and 2028 FOSSGIS conferences. Interested parties have until Sunday 30 June to submit their applications via email, as detailed in their Call for Location ♦ document.
  • The IVIDES Institute will be hosting ♦►♦ an online workshop on the mapping of waterways in OpenStreetMap on Friday 10 May, at which Séverin Ménard (UN Mappers/UNGSC) will be participating. The call for registration is open ♦►♦ and details can be found on the event page.
  • The State of the Map US 2024 will be held at the University of Utah 6 to 8 June. Registration is now open and the conference programme has been announced.
  • Swiss OpenStreetMap will hold a presentation and discussion on the upcoming report from the SBB and BAV (Bundesamt für Verkehr) on use of OpenStreetMap on Thursday 2 May from 5 to 6 pm.
  • Anne-Karoline Distel showed, in a short video, how you can support OpenStreetMap by capturing public notes.
  • The IVIDES Institute held ♦►♦ an event on importing points of interest into OpenStreetMap. Dr. Raquel Souto commented ♦►♦ about this workshop in her diary, saying that she included, as an example, a subset of the 2022 Brazilian Demographic Census’ official data.
  • The Agroecology map currently shows and describes 541 locations worldwide where ecological principles are being applied to agroecosystems. The same information is also available through an Android app.
  • bopjesvla has developed Tiny World Map, a world map designed specifically for web applications that prioritise offline functionality and operate efficiently with limited bandwidth.
  • Christoph Hormann explored potential future trends in map design within OpenStreetMap, critiquing the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s historical and current map rendering strategies. Hormann highlighted the challenges and limitations of the transition to vector tiles, which reduces operational costs but shifts a significant amount of data processing to the user side, potentially complicating map design and data management. The discussion also highlights the tension between technological efficiency and creative control over map design.
OSM in action
  • Jacek Gęborys has created several maps visualising the accessibility of railway stations in various major cities. He used QGIS with OpenStreetMap as a source for the stops, in particular with the Overpass API, which allows you to automate the fetching of data and GraphHopper for calculating isochrones.
  • The Russian OSM community has noticed ♦ that the mobile application is using OSM data rendered in the style of Yandex.Maps.
  • euroPathfinder and Barthwo, two active mappers, took part in the seminar ‘Route 3.0 ♦ and OpenStreetMap’ at the invitation of the Saarland Tourist Board ♦►♦. In their blog post euroPathfinder briefly presented ♦►♦ Thomas Froitzheim’s seminar, in which Saarland tourism experts were trained to check the correct mapping of hiking and cycling tour routes in OSM. The tools used were uMap, BRouter Web, GPX Viewer and WayMarkedTrails.
  • Rtnf has archived the OpenStreetMap help website before its planned shutdown.
  • GraphHopper version 9.0 has been released. It comes with an improved GPX export, updated translations, many bug fixes, more route hints, and conditional access information.
  • Aerosoft and Thera Bytes have launched ♦ a new PC farming simulation ‘Global Farmer‘, which lets players build farms anywhere in the world using OpenStreetMap data, incorporating real agricultural parameters and challenges.
  • Roland Olbricht has announced the release of Overpass Version 0.7.62, including newly completed documentation on the user_touched filter and museum (attic) data, along with a detailed component overview for local server instances.
Did you know …
  • … about the tools that allow you to select a bounding box, on a reference map, through a visual interface?
  • … that the OpenStreetMap wiki has an A to Z to help you figure out how to tag objects?
  • … that the Changelog page, on the the OSM wiki, documents recent changes to tagging strategies, listing new tags that have been added, modified, or deprecated?
  • … that it is possible to create a city map with the help of OSM data? No? MyOSMatic is the solution for you!
  • … that you can generate a specially styled OpenStreetMap-based map for the purpose of surveying an area by utilising RenderMyMap?
OSM in the media
  • [1] ZDNet reviewed ♦►♦ Panoramax, the digital commons platform, sponsored by IGN and OpenStreetMap France, which offers a free alternative to services such as Google StreetView. It features nearly 18 million terrain view photos contributed by various entities and aims to provide an open, decentralised system for sharing geolocated, ground-level photos under free licences that can be used for various applications, including urban infrastructure management.
Other “geo” things
  • Wikidata’s ‘Coordinate Me 2024’ is an international competition taking place in May that encourages participants to improve or create new Wikidata items that have a coordinate location property, focusing on a variety of countries to improve global data coverage.
  • explored the significant contribution of Swiss cartography and a Swiss entrepreneur, Samuel Widmann, to the development of Google Maps. It highlights Switzerland’s long tradition of detailed and accurate mapmaking, which laid the groundwork for the creation of global geodatabases and ultimately influenced modern digital mapping technologies. The story also details how Swiss innovations in map accuracy and aesthetics were crucial before Google acquired Widmann’s company, Endoxon.
  • Google Maps is rolling out new features with the intention of addressing the common concern of locating charging stations, which are of interest to the owners of electric vehicles.
  • Pierre Blanchet, from Meteory, has developed a machine learning model to monitor hedges across France by using aerial imagery.
  • An article on TradingView explained the concept of mapping on a blockchain and discusses its potential to improve the accuracy, privacy, and security of geographic data compared to traditional GPS systems by using decentralised methods of data verification and storage. The article does not include the obligatory xkcd cartoon.
  • ORBIS, the Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, is an interactive tool hosted by Stanford University that simulates the logistics of travel and communication in ancient Rome. It allows users to calculate travel times and costs across various routes and modes of transportation, such as roads, rivers, and seas, based on historical data and geographic models.
  • Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland (Current height data Netherlands) provides an interactive viewer of detailed topographic data covering the Netherlands with approximately 950 billion measurements. This tool allows users to explore a high-resolution point cloud of the Dutch landscape, offering visualisation options such as height, intensity, reflections, and feature classification.
Upcoming Events Where What Online When Country Aachen 5. Treffen Aachener Stammtisch 2.0 ♦ 2024-04-25 ♦ Potsdam Radnetz Brandenburg Mapping Abend #6 ♦ 2024-04-25 ♦ OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting ♦ 2024-04-26 Prishtinë Kosovo TomTom Editing Party ♦ 2024-04-26 ♦ Bengaluru OSM Bengaluru Mapping Party ♦ 2024-04-27 ♦ OpenStreetMap visual impaired accessibility initiative – kickoff (online) ♦ 2024-04-27 Fianarantsoa State of the Map Madagascar ♦ 2024-04-28 – 2024-04-29 ♦ Brno Missing Maps Mapathon at the Department of Geography ♦ 2024-04-29 ♦ Fianarantsoa OSM Africa April Mapathon – Map Madagasikara ♦ 2024-04-30 ♦ San Jose South Bay Map Night ♦ ✓ 2024-05-01 ♦ Dresden OSM-Stammtisch Dresden ♦ 2024-05-02 ♦ Essen FOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen 2024 Nummer 20 ♦ 2024-05-03 – 2024-05-05 ♦ Bochum OSM-Workshop ♦ 2024-05-05 ♦ 臺北市 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #64 ♦ 2024-05-06 ♦ Encontro OSM Brasil (online) ♦ 2024-05-08 Missing Maps London Mapathon ♦ 2024-05-07 München Münchner OSM-Treffen ♦ 2024-05-08 ♦ Lorain County OpenStreetMap Midwest Meetup ♦ ✓ 2024-05-09 ♦ Bruxelles – Brussel Notes meetup ♦ 2024-05-08 ♦ Stuttgart Stuttgarter OpenStreetMap-Treffen ♦ 2024-05-08 ♦ Rio de Janeiro ♦ Oficina de mapeamento de waterways no OpenStreetMap – YouthMappers UFRJ ♦ 2024-05-10 ♦ Mainz OpenStreetMap-Stammtisch Mainz ♦ 2024-05-11 ♦ SotM Asia 2024 monthly meeting ♦ 2024-05-11 Zürich 163. OSM-Stammtisch Zürich ♦ 2024-05-13 ♦ Grenoble Réunion groupe local Grenoble : Panoramax – L’alternative libre pour photo-cartographier les territoires ♦ 2024-05-13 ♦

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, euroPathfinder, mcliquid, renecha, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

6 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Apr 28

Update: Who maps every day (without fail)?

I received a request to update my previous list of people who map every single day. The top 3 places remain the same, with Aurimas Fišeras passing the 10 year mark of non-stop mapping! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment, and a big thank you to all of these dedicated mappers!

Consecutive Days First Day of Streak User 3672 2014- 7 days ago

I received a request to update my previous list of people who map every single day. The top 3 places remain the same, with Aurimas Fišeras passing the 10 year mark of non-stop mapping! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment, and a big thank you to all of these dedicated mappers!

Consecutive Days First Day of Streak User 3672 2014-04-03 Aurimas Fišeras 2810 2014-08-09 vichada 2687 2016-10-22 ika-chan! 2256 2018-02-17 LidaCity 2106 2018-07-17 Algebre gama 1943 2018-06-02 thetornado76 1943 2018-12-27 hendrik-17 1894 2014-06-15 roschitom 1860 2017-04-13 looniverse 1837 2019-04-12 bxl-forever 1828 2019-04-21 JJIglesias 1755 2019-07-03 Sammyhawkrad 1674 2019-09-22 Zrop 1631 2019-11-04 mstock 1629 2018-06-26 phiphou 1583 2018-10-06 fx99 1544 2018-10-29 BCNorwich 1501 2014-06-26 RoadGeek_MD99 1467 2017-11-04 dvdhoven 1450 2018-02-16 alkushi 1392 2019-10-25 marczoutendijk 1346 2017-10-28 piotrS 1336 2020-08-25 NieWnen 1318 2020-09-12 Strubbl 1305 2020-09-25 mindedie 1292 2017-12-11 vincent_95 1291 2020-10-09 Leonius_Bad 1286 2020-10-14 Grass-snake 1259 2020-11-10 SekeRob 1240 2020-11-29 seattlefyi 1211 2015-01-28 lodde1949 1159 2017-02-05 futurumspes 1153 2019-02-10 jmapb 1149 2021-02-28 MJabot 1092 2019-03-21 mmahmud 1070 2016-06-15 mindedie 1064 2018-08-12 ikiya 1063 2017-12-02 下り専門 1055 2019-07-22 Nesim 1031 2021-06-26 vincent_95 1026 2015-09-25 Nesim 7 days ago